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Hi. I am Wojtek and I am 4,5year old today in December 2021.
My mummy says I am a miracle baby, and she wants to tell you more story:
We are a family with two kids, Wojtek has a younger brother Milosz.
In May 2021 I noticed a small lump on Wojtek neck which looked a bit like a build-up of a muscle.
I brought Wojtek to a GP who wanted to calm me down and said it was probably just a cyst and put us on a waiting list to see a paediatrician.
My intuition was telling me it could be something more dangerous than a cyst and we all know that time matters.
I brought Wojtek abroad for private scans and I was told it was not just a cyst and there was suspicion of a tumour.
I felt so powerless after hearing that diagnosis and that time I had to trust doctors as it was not a tummy bug, cold or a simple cough.
After I went back to Ireland, I contacted Temple Street Hospital. We did not wait long and Wojtek had an MRI and CT scan.
I can tell you that until the surgery our surgeon believed that the tumour was benign.
They planned to do the surgery in few weeks, but I pushed on them as I could see it growing fast on his neck in weeks before that, so the surgery was done not in few, but in one week from that appointment.
Laboratory tests afterwards showed a 4cm growth that it was a synovial sarcoma, an aggressive type of soft tissue cancer.
It was successful and the next step on the plan was proton therapy in Essen, Germany to make sure that all potential single cells were destroyed from that area. The diagnosis was stressful itself, and I could not imagine moving to Germany for 8 weeks.
I was lucky I was contacted by The Gavin Glynn Foundation; I cannot express in words the gratitude I feel towards both John and Jayne Glynn, they went through such a long and difficult journey with their son.
They have big hearts! They made this journey effort free for us. Our family did not have to worry about expenses like accommodation, flights, transfers etc. Any donation made by you, who is reading this story, is used in a wonderful intention helping families like ours to go through this challenging moment of our lives.
What is next? Oncology offers MRI/CT scans every 3 months after finishing this process to check for tumour spreads and return.
In the meantime, we are enjoying our outdoor walks, meetings with friends and playing. Positive thinking is not easy in such circumstances, but we are trying not to fall into a dull place to make everything worse….
May all of you shine bright stars
Thank you again for your support.