Symptoms to look out for
Please remember, if your child has symptoms from this list, it does not mean that they have cancer, simply that they need to be reviewed to rule it out.
Seek medical advice immediately if your child:
- Is in severe pain
- Has blood in their urine or widespread bruising with unknown cause
- Is having double vision, visual disturbances, or an unusual white appearance of the pupils on more than one photo
- Has had a first seizure
- You are extremely worried
Please see your doctor if your child has one of more of the following symptoms, and it is persistent, keeps recurring or you are concerned:
- If your child is losing weight
- Persistent sickness and nausea, especially on waking (more than a few days)
- Your child looks pale, so that others may notice too
- Pain that persists, or wakes your child up at night, especially when pain relief does not appear to help
- Your child has a new limp that is not resolving (or comes and goes)
- Increased bleeding such as recurrent nose bleeds
- A swelling or lump that does not go down within a few days or is seems irregular or unusually hard
- Your child develops a new squint or it becomes more apparent
- Back to back or constant viral illnesses or high temperatures. Many children can have a couple of viral illnesses or infections close together and this can be completely normal especially when starting to attend nursery or school.
- If your child is suffering from night sweats or other symptoms that you are concerned about.
- Please remember that most of the time these symptoms are not due to cancer
- However, please get your child checked if your are concerned because for the few children that do have cancer, early diagnosis can save lives.